It is the brain of a company and the place where the most critical processes are run.
Large-scale computer systems have been around for a while, and many people are already familiar with the
term data center. In the 1940s, computers were so large that individual rooms had to be specially set aside
to house them. Even the steady miniaturization of the computer did not initially change this arrangement
because the functional scope increased to such an extent that the systems still required the same amount
of space. Even today, with individual PCs being much more powerful than any mainframe system from those days,
every large-scale operation has complex IT infrastructures with a substantial amount of hardware – and they
are still housed in properly outfitted rooms. Depending on their size, these are referred to as “server rooms”
or “data centers.”
Data centers are commonly run by large companies or government agencies. However, they are also increasingly used to provide a fast-growing cloud solution service for private and business applications.
Computers, of course, require electricity, as well as protection from theft and the accidental or intentional manipulation of hardware. Put simply, one has to safeguard data centers against external influences and provide them with sufficient cooling. After all, there is a lot of powerful hardware sitting in one place.
In addition to these “hard” factors, one must also take into consideration organizational measures, such as periodic backups that ensure operability. As a rule, the more extensive and critical the hardware and software become, the more time and effort are required to provide optimal protection.
For that reason, a data center preferably consists of a well-constructed, sturdy building that houses servers, storage devices, cables, and a connection to the Internet. In addition, the center also has a large amount of equipment associated with supplying power and cooling, and often automatic fire extinguishing systems.
B-1-2, Blok B, Jalan Ostia Utama,
Ostia Bangi, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi,
Selangor Darul Ehsan.
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